4/22/2020 Page 3: Party Line, Face Masks, Annie and Martha, Music

FRIENDS:  this is YOUR column.  Send in announcements, joys, concerns, whatevers to the church.  Email:  ardisg@cchonolulu.org  Phone number: (808) 595-7541.  Mail: 2345 Nuuanu Ave, Honolulu, HI 96817. Let's continue to share our lives even if we can't worship from the pews in our sanctuary or chat over great food at Aloha Hour.


Gwen Murakami, seamstress and crafter extraordinaire*, has spent her time at home sewing fabric face masks.  Knowing there continues to be a need for masks, Gwen has offered to give them to CCH members needing them.**  One to two masks—free of charge—will be sent to CCH members requesting them. But, first come, first served!  Please email your request to Kathy Young who will send them through the mail. Include your snail mail address and whether you want one or two masks and if you want a certain size (7”, 7.5”, 8”, 8.5”, 9”). 

Kathy's email:  kayoung@hawaii.edu

*Gwen demanded that I cut out the “seamstress and crafter extraordinaire” description but since I am the editor of this newsletter, Gwen is NOT the boss of me!

**Gwen also adamantly refuses to take any payment for the masks. You can donate to “Community of Church of Honolulu” if you choose to. But this is strictly optional. 


Francis #1 submitted this photo for The Party Line with this note: 
“Palaka by Locals Only . . . Sparky Doo, my brother in law is the palaka aloha shirt king of Hawai`i. He made the family masks – reversible to black with hepa filters.”  

(Editor's note: Frances #3 here, observing that it's just like Lori Wong to look chic even with a face mask. But, I'm not a bitter person.)

by Annie Miller (retired) and Martha Hernandez (not-yet-retired)

          We have a rule in our 850-foot condo. If you bring something large in, you must take something out.

          Then Martha, grateful to still be working, was told to take all her equipment home so she could work from here.
                   A month ago.
                             To an 850-square-foot condo.
                                      Where the only computer desk is in my room.

          She now works out of there. Her room is basically home to lockdown necessities that fit nowhere else, and our golf clubs that haven’t been used since March 9. I pretty much try to stay out of the way, and have dinner ready when Martha can take a break. She works from 2-10 pm and rarely leaves her computer, joining meetings on Zoom and getting many messages on Slack  and texts on her phone while she does her graphics.

          Our day begins early and we both start slow now, a habit I’ve grown to love in retirement. We read the paper and our devices and walk for at least an hour every day, which lifts our spirits immensely.

          The rest of our day is filled with her work, home projects and keeping in touch with family and friends. We are trying to clear even more out of our little home and keep it clean even if we don’t have guests coming (which is not like us).

          This “lockdown” has also given Martha time to try and figure out more of the CCH website intricacies — and eccentricities. She and Shana Nishimura Yoshida, who has been helping us with the technical side of the site, had a Zoom conversation last week that featured 2 hours of looking at the back side of the website and speaking some nerdy tech language that was so far over my head I got altitude sickness. Martha is also getting a collection of portraits of the previous nine CCH pastors ready to put up in the office to welcome Pastor Holly.

          I’m just trying to put a dent in my retirement bucket list. Much of that involves digitizing pictures, music and papers, to get those out of our tiny home too. They bring some wonderful memories, but it is mostly tedious work and there is no real deadline. After 36 years of constant deadlines, that feels funny. So does working on it in the living room.

          But we will never complain … well maybe a little, about our washer breaking and having to wait three weeks — we hope — for a replacement. We know we are blessed in so many ways and we are so grateful we have each other to get through this. So many are having such a tough time. Our hearts ache for them and all we can do is try to make it better in small ways.

          We pray for them and for all of us. And we keep the faith and believe it will be a better world when this is over.


Annie and Martha

Annie digitizing
Martha's new home office


In a recent Zoom (online video meeting) Bible study of the Mathew Easter passages, Pastor Frances included music from YouTube that the participants could listen to and sing along with. Music can be powerfully evocative and Christian music (in all genres) can especially pack a religious and artistic punch.  Here is a sampling of such music.  Where applicable, permission to stream music is granted through LicenSing, Copyrighted Music for Churches, Streaming License #20384329.  Click on the links to get to the songs.

Easter Medley
The first video comes from Patrick and Mona Chock. Mona shared that: “Our friends Manny and Phyllis Dayao shared this link of their son and his family giving a musical Easter offering. Easter Day has passed but we thought church members might enjoy seeing and listening to this via the weekly CCH updates & sharing.”  (Thanks for sharing, Patrick and Mona. This is an amazing musical offering and we will definitely enjoy this!)


Let There Be Peace
This was an Easter offering from the choir and children of Church of the Crossroads. Every musician was taped from their home. One family had three generations singing from Dallas, Seattle, and Honolulu!  Beautiful and moving (and an editing marvel).
Let There Be Peace - CCR Virtual Choir - Sy Miller & Jill Jackson - arr. Joel Raney.

The Prayer
Celine Dion, Andrea Bocelli, Lady Gaga, Lang Lang, John Legend perform "The Prayer" during One World: Together at Home on April 18. This concert raised significant amounts of money to meet the challenges of the corona virus pandemic.

The Pittsburgh Blessing
Original song "The Blessing" by Cody Carnes, Kari Jobe, and Elevation Worship
The Pittsburgh Blessing | Virtual Church Choir, Apr 10, 2020.
“What started out as a crazy idea, turned into a powerful worship moment in our city. In less than 2 weeks, nearly 30 churches unified to sing a blessing over our city of Pittsburgh. This video was revealed during many of the Easter online services in churches across the city of Pittsburgh during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our desire was that it would be a blessing spoken over our homes and communities. Thanks to the many churches and individuals who made this happen. He is for you, Pittsburgh!”

My Everything
Owl City (Adam Young) is a contemporary pop singer, songwriter, musician, and poet who happens to be Christian. He has written this modern hymn.  This is the official music video.

First verse:
When my hope is lost
And my strength is gone
I run to you, and you alone
When I can't get up and I can't go on
I run to you, and you alone
'Cause you're my light in the dark
And I sing with all of my heart

It Is Well With My Soul  (this one was a favorite of our Bible study Zoom group)
The Nashville Studio Singer Community  - Virtual Cell Phone Choir - “It Is Well With My Soul” arranged by: David Wise.
“31 of Nashville’s Studio Singers using their cell phones during Nashville’s Safer at Home order to record and lift their collective voices to share a message of hope and encouragement during these challenging days. It is well.”

TEXT:                                      MUSIC:
Horatio Gates Spafford             Philip Bliss

1. When peace, like a river,
attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot,
Thou hast taught me to say,
It is well, it is well with my soul

Chorus: It is well (it is well)
with my soul (with my soul)
It is well, it is well with my soul

2. Though Satan should buffet,
though trials should come,
Let this blessed assurance control,
That Christ has regarded
my helpless estate,
And hath shed His own blood for my soul. (Repeat chorus)

3. And Lord haste the day
when the faith shall be sight,
The clouds be rolled back as a scroll;
The trump shall resound,
and the Lord shall descend,
Even so, it is well with my soul. (Repeat chorus)

Public Domain


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Welcome to the Community Church of Honolulu (CCH) newsletter!     During this Covid-19 crisis, while we are sheltering at home, this new...