It is becoming clear that the need for social distancing will last for many, many weeks. Sending out mail through the post office will become increasingly burdensome and expensive. In two weeks, this STAY COMMUNITY! newsletter will only be sent via email. A group, led by Stan Lum, will contact those without email access and problem solve; perhaps someone in your family can act as your email access! Perhaps you could begin thinking about alternatives. Thank you so much for your understanding. We want to STAY CONNECTED so we need to drastically reduce our reliance on the post office. We need to STAY FAITHFUL to each other and to God—we’ll figure out something together.
(The Executive Committee recently shared this letter with the General Council and want to share this with the Congregation through this newsletter.)
To the Members of the General Council:
The Executive Committee held an emergency meeting via Zoom on Thursday, March 26th. The officers as well as called Pastor Dr. Holly Norwick were present on the call. A discussion of the current world, national and local situation was held, along with the implications for the situation that Community Church finds itself in with regard to how the church will proceed.
Unfortunately, due to a variety of reasons, Pastor Holly is unable to join us at this time. However, she is able to present and be with the congregation remotely through an arsenal of electronic platforms, and is currently doing so with her church in Massachusetts as they are similarly in stay at home mode.
After further discussion, it was agreed by all at the meeting that Pastor Holly will start her ministry at CCH, albeit remotely. Her title will be Called Minister in Transition as she has been called, but cannot yet be here in person, so is not able to fully take on all her responsibilities. However, she will utilize her gifts and experience to present electronically to the congregation, as that is what that was being planned anyway. Pastor Holy will work with the initiatives already in progress including the modified Newsletter and Circles of Care.
Additionally, Pastor Holly will represent CCH to the UCC as its called Minister, work with Ardis, Glenn, Hari and Frances as the Minister of CCH, as well as with the Council and Exec. As she will now be taking on the responsibilities of Called Minister in Transition for CCH, the activities of the Pastoral Search Committee will be suspended until such time that their work might need to be called upon again should the current situation prolong itself.
While she is our called Minister, the full terms of her previously announced call will be temporarily suspended until such time that she can actually physically be on Oahu. The specific details of this modified agreement still need to be worked out with Personnel, but should be completed soon.
Pastor Holly is already working with Hari and Frances, and hopefully will have a service/presentation for the full Congregation available very shortly.
These are very unusual times, and it appears from all government indications that this may go on for at least another six to eight weeks. However, we will continue to move forward. Although we may not be able to be with each other in person for right now, we remain together in spirit, and very soon electronically.
Please remain strong, be safe, and be well.
More than four weeks ago, we gathered on Ash Wednesday, marking the beginning of Lent. Pastor Frances reminded us that we were to use this period to reflect and pray. We must try to realize the uncertainty and fear Jesus felt and the sacrifices He made, knowing that His friends would abandon Him and that His life was about to end. We are to live simply and quietly. "Don't rush around shopping or running errands," she said. "Lent should be a time of peaceful contemplation and meditation." With this COVID-19 caused statewide shutdown, God may have provided us the time to do just that!!
We pray for:
v the well-being and safety of our family, loved ones, and friends, both in Hawaii and far away.
v those who are afflicted with COVID-19. Help them recover quickly and completely, dear Lord! Be with and comfort their terrified family members.
v our community, national, and world leaders as they grapple with this terrifying disease, trying to control its spread while providing critical manpower, supplies, beds, and facilities for all those afflicted. Please, God, remove all barriers that prevent them from working as well-coordinated teams!!
v Our medical professionals--doctors, nurses, assistants, technicians, caregivers--everyone who cares for us and puts their lives at risk to do so...every hour, every day!!
v our wide community 'ohana. Many generous people now dedicate their businesses and energies to those in need. They give food, supplies, clothing, services to many who are sick or unemployed and hurting. We witness acts of kindness every day. Thank you, God, for encouraging us to give of ourselves.
v Community Church's precious, hard-working staff: Associate Pastor for Christian Education, Reverend Frances Wong, who works more than part time to plan and coordinate worship opportunities and activities for our young families and CCH until Reverend Norwick arrives. CCH Administrator, Ardis Gomes, who works furiously while alone in the church field and oversee all requests for information and committee support, inquiries about CCH's future plans, needs of our tenants, and work done on CCH facilities and grounds. Nate Mau, who works "virtually" on our finances. Glenn Bolosan, who takes care of our entire campus, even when we're not there. Hari Bayani, who continues to plan and record music that can be used for CCH's online worship opportunities.
v Our CCH leaders, who continue to meet--physically or via Zoom (computer audio video sessions)--to make critical decisions about God's church during this unprecedented and unsettling period.
v ALL of our precious members, God's people.
v those in your heart.
During these uncertain, frightening times, our Faith in God, love for each other, and opportunities to reach out to and--from a distance--"touch" others help lessen our anxiety and give us HOPE!!
CCH has started a "Circle of Care" ministry, where members have offered to keep in touch with those who may appreciate a phone call, text, or email message. Our youth are also sending "snail" mail to a few people each week.
YOU can contact members of our 'ohana, too!! Reach out and bless one or two with your and God's love sometime each week. Throw names in a bag and randomly pick some. It's a different kind of "Passing the Peace" and "Sharing the Extravagant Love of Jesus Christ"!! A phone conversation or email exchange would be like sitting near someone during Aloha Hour. You would be living Envisioning II's New Calling:
"...nurturing God's beloved community by building relationships between and across all ages and walks of life, so all may live in community with God and each other, sharing the extravagant love of Christ."
...and you will be working on all Four Pillars: Relationship, Discipleship, Service, and Inclusivity!!
Evan graduated from college! He is still in Oklahoma finishing up his research project to meet his final graduation requirements. And (ta da) Evan already has a good job! He will be working for Cameron (a subsidiary of Schlumberger). It is a management development program so he will be working in different places every 6 months. He starts out in Oklahoma but he is not sure where he will be after that.
Cameron International Corporation is a Schlumberger company and a global provider of pressure control, processing, flow control and compression systems as well as project management and aftermarket services for the oil and gas and process industries.
Collegiates Back Home
Micah Mew
Micah starts the new term on Monday, March 30, which will, of course, be online. He has been working out, learning how to bake, taking walks with his mom, practicing how to use Photoshop, and catching up on all the movies he missed.
(Ed. note: don't blame me for the imbalanced number of Micah pictures. I just asked for one but he does have an overly enthusiastic Mom!)
Sean Uyeno
Sean returned home on Saturday (3/21) after Oklahoma State University announced classes would be online for the rest of the school year. Since Evan lives about 90 minutes away in Norman, Oklahoma, he drove up to help Sean pack up his dorm room, take stuff to a storage unit and get him to the airport to come home. Sean is happy to be home and also to be eating some foods he missed (Mom had a poke bowl in the car for him when she picked him up from the airport) but he is not so thrilled about his 4:00 am online classes.
For those who still want to purchase a Memorial Lily for Easter, you can order by downloading the PDF found on CCH’s website, filling it out and sending it to Sue Ann Lau (619 Kuliouou Pl., Honolulu 96821). Cost is $10 each and checks should be made out to The Community Church of Honolulu and mailed with the form. Deadline is March 30. Pickup will be Saturday, April 11, from 8-10 am at CCH.
FRIENDS: this is YOUR column. Send in announcements, joys, concerns, whatevers to the church. Email: Phone number: (808) 595-7541. Mail: 2345 Nuuanu Ave, Honolulu, HI 96817.
A Treat from Woody Chock!
Listen to Woody’s gorgeous rendition of “The Holy City”
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